Rezept: Appetitlich Grundrezept "CRAZY DOUGH"
Grundrezept "CRAZY DOUGH" . Crazy Dough's menu is full of our very own modern classic recipes. Join one of the fastest growing artisan pizza franchises by becoming part of our crazy-awesome family! Crazy Dough is one easy recipe for how to make bread and endless variations. You can use it to make pizza bases, focaccia. Crazy Dough is one easy recipe for how to make bread and endless variations including my Crazy Dough Naan for buttery Naan you will love with any dish. Crazy Dough for Everything - make one miracle dough, keep it in the fridge and use it for anything you like: pizza, focaccia, dinner rolls, pretzels, crescent rolls, etc. Du kannst haben Grundrezept "CRAZY DOUGH" using 11 ingredients and 4 steps. Hier ist wie du kochen das. Zutaten von Grundrezept "CRAZY DOUGH" Vorbereiten 250 ml of Milch. Es ist 1 TL of Zucker. Vorbereiten 40 gr of Frischhefe. Es ist 500 gr of Mehl, glatt. V...