Einfachster Weg zu Machen Lecker Kürbis-Hummus

Kürbis-Hummus. Kürbis-Hummus - nussiges Kichererbsenpüree trifft gelbes Superfood. Beetroot hummus may not be the well known hummus flavor or kind, but it definitely needs more recognition. It's got the vibrant color and besides the great taste, it also adds a beautiful touch to any.

Kürbis-Hummus Hummus is so easy to make that you really shouldn't have to buy a plastic pot of it. The basic hummus has four ingredients: chickpeas, tahini (pounded sesame seeds), garlic and lemon juice. I get so annoyed, actually fuming when I see mediocre or downright disgusting hummus served all over America. Du kannst haben Kürbis-Hummus using 8 ingredients and 1 steps. Hier ist wie du erreichen es.

Zutaten von Kürbis-Hummus

  1. Vorbereiten 350 g of Kürbis (z.B. Hokkaido).
  2. Sie brauchen 250 g of Kichererbsen.
  3. Sie brauchen 3 EL of Tahin (Sesampaste).
  4. Sie brauchen 2 of Knoblauchzehen.
  5. Es ist 0.5 of Zitrone.
  6. Sie brauchen 0.5 TL of Salz.
  7. Sie brauchen Prise of Cumin (Kreuzkümmel).
  8. Es ist 0.5 TL of Paprikapulver.

It has a wonderful nutty flavor but also a touch of bitterness which probably explains why some children don't like it. Traditionally hummus in the Middle East isn't flavored. A glug of olive oil in the traditional, but there are lots of other possibilities. I've mentioned at the end of the recipe, but whatever strikes your fancy will do. hummus recipe, and this post describes the basic and coriander jalapeño flavoured hummus while there isn't much complications to the recipe, yet some basic tips for a perfect hummus dip recipe.

Kürbis-Hummus Schritt für Schritt

  1. Den Kürbis entkernen und kleinschneiden. Ca. 10 Minuten mit ein wenig Wasser in einem geschlossenen Topf dämpfen, bis er weich ist. Den Kürbis mit einem Schuss Wasser und den restlichen Zutaten in eine Schüssel füllen und mit einem Pürierstab fein pürieren. Zum Servieren kann man das Hummus z.B. mit etwas Öl, Kürbiskernen und/oder Sesamsamen bestreuen..

Hummus is simple to make and is one of the most versatile recipes around. Keep a container on If there's one super versatile recipe going around, it would have to be hummus. This quick and easy hummus is a great base recipe, and you probably already have all the ingredients in your kitchen. It's great as is, but feel free to dress it up with different spices, blend in roasted beets. The World's Best Hummus & More.


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