Einfachster Weg zu Kochen Lecker Mini-Donuts

Mini-Donuts. Mini doughnuts that are baked and coated in cinnamon and sugar are a lighter and equally Yummy mini doughnuts without the frying! These have the texture of cake. Chocolate Mini Donuts with Peanut Butter Glaze - Cake 'n Knife.

Mini-Donuts This Mini Donut Recipe is a treat that both adults and children enjoy alike. Made without yeast they come together in minutes, you skip the waiting around for the yeast to rise. Use a mini donut pan, available in most cookware stores. Du kannst haben Mini-Donuts using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Hier ist wie du kochen es.

Zutaten von Mini-Donuts

  1. Es ist 260 g of Mehl.
  2. Vorbereiten 1 Päckchen of Backpulver.
  3. Vorbereiten 130 g of Zucker.
  4. Es ist 1 Päckchen of Vanillezucker.
  5. Sie brauchen 250 ml of Milch.
  6. Sie brauchen 3 of Eier.
  7. Vorbereiten 5 EL of Öl.
  8. Sie brauchen 1 Prise of Salz.

We dressed these breakfast beauties in a sweet maple syrup glaze. Use a mini donut pan, available in most. Download Mini donuts stock photos at the best stock photography agency with millions of premium high quality, royalty-free stock photos, images and pictures at reasonable prices. View Dunkin'® Food and Drink Menu.

Mini-Donuts Schritt für Schritt

  1. Mehl, Backpulver, Zucker, Vanillezucker, Milch, Eier, Öl und Salz zu einem glatten Teig verrühren..
  2. Donutmaker vorheizen..
  3. Teig in die Formen füllen und circa 5 Minuten backen..
  4. Fertige Donuts mit Schokolade oder Puderzucker nach Belieben verzieren..

From coffee, donuts, sandwiches and more, Dunkin'® has everything you need to keep on running. Soft, light, sweet… and the best part is that you can eat them without leaving the comfort of your kitchen. Give the gift of sweet donuts anytime, anywhere - or Love this donut maker. I have been wanting mini grainfree pretty little sweets, donut. For an over-the-top treat, dip the glazed donuts into coconut flakes or candy sprinkles and place on a wire rack until set.


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